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Showing posts from June, 2022

The Most Immersive Flying Experience!!

FPV drones are quickly becoming a huge trend within the drone industry. What is a FPV drone? FPV stands for first-person view. Flying an FPV drone, means that the pilot see’s what the drone sees.   Traditional drones are flown through the pilot’s perspective on the ground. FPV drones are piloted through the perspective of the drone via an onboard camera that is placed on the drone and transmits a livestream straight to FPV goggles, a headset, a smartphone device, or other screen. FPV drones offer the pilot a much more immersive flying experience, which can be shared with anyone watching the video captured.   The benefits of flying an FPV drone?   An immersive experience that uses technology to provide pilots with the most futuristic viewing. Precise flying and better accuracy allowing quicker reactions and better awareness of surroundings. Allows the pilot to capture stunning aerial images and video footage. Can be flown indoors as well to showcase the internal ...